
Meets Second Thursday
from October thru June
Oxford Masonic Temple

Trestleboard 2018

Thur Apr 26 6:30 pm Confer Order of Temple
Thur May 10 6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Annual Inspection & Annual Election of Officers
Thur June 14 6:30 PM
7:30 pm
Steak Dinner
Installation of Officers
Sept 14 16 Grand Commandey
Sept 27 Study of Opening
Oct 11 Practice Sword Manual
Nov 8 Grand Commandery, Including Charities
Dec 13 Christmas Observance

Trestleboard 2019

Jan. 5 School of instruction
Jan 10 sword manual for inspection.
Jan 24 opening and closing practice
Chapeau and sword only
Feb 14 sword manual and reception of Visitors
Mar 14 lecture on Chivalric Masonry
Mar 28 rehearsal for inspection
Chapeau and sword only
Mar 30 150th Celebration Canasawacta Golf Course
Apr 11 inspection
May 9 annual meeting/elections
Jun 13 6:30 dinner/open installation

Trestleboard 2020

Apr 9 CANCELLED inspection
Jun 11 6:30 dinner
7:30 ? Annual meeting/elections/open installation
Oct 8 Zoom Meeting

Officers 2020-2021

Commander Ward J Mack
Generalissimo Steven R. Shearer
Capt. General Daniel P. Kwasnik
Treasurer James W. Hemstrought, Jr., KYGCH
Recorder Robert N. Rogers, KYCH
Senior Warden Harris Epstein
Junior Warden Isaac Spencer
Prelate Hugh Price
Standard Bearer James Higbie
Sword Bearer Kevin Grewe
Warder James Meek
Guard Brian Valentine
Sentinel Joseph Greenfield, KYCH
Musician Francis Wilcox
Trustee (1 year) Homer Burch
Trustee (2 year) Earl G. Wilkinson
Trustee (3 year) William S. Morley

Zone Advisor

Conrad Johnson, No. 4

Zone Commander

Robert Rogers

Deputy Zone Commanders

James W. Hemstrought, Jr., No.46

Richard S. Transue, No. 76

Zone 5 Commanderies

Norwich46 Oxford
Otsego76 Cooperstown


Earl G. Wilkinson Installed as Grand Warder

BruceVB - 2018-09-16 13:11 - ( Reads)

Congratulations to Sir Knight Earl G. Wilkinson who was installed as Grand Warder for the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar for the State of New York on September 15, 2018.
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Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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