

Grand Lodge Educational Assistance Program - Deadline April 1st
Royal Arch: APPLICATIONS due June 3th, 2022.
Grand Commandery KT due May 15
NMJ Scottish Rite
NY Scottish Rite

District Assistance Grants

(This page as a Letter).
Scholarship Assistance Grants are available through the Otsego-Schoharie-Delaware Masonic Charity Corporation in the amount of $750 for graduating seniors in Otsego, Schoharie, and Delaware counties through Masonic Lodges listed above. Graduating seniors must have been accepted into a recognized institution of Higher Education and the award of the grants are based upon the scholarship, character, and financial need of the applicant.

Applications are to be completed and submitted through a local Masonic Lodge in the Central Leatherstocking Masonic District. The following are to be attached to the final application for submission:

  1. High School Transcript
  2. Essay from applicant regarding educational/professional aspirations (300-500 words, typed)
  3. Three (3) letters of recommendation – one of which is to be from a Mason when possible. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of authors are to be included
  4. Notification of college acceptance and listing of colleges applied to
  5. Written statement by applicant of financial need for assistance is OPTIONAL

Individuals receiving financial grants from the Otsego-Schoharie & Delaware Masonic Charities Corporation agree to attend an awards ceremony, have their pictures displayed on our website and have the award announced in local news publications. Grant recipients will be awarded $750 upon the Charity Corporation’s receipt of college enrollment verification.

Masons promote the advancement of all youth in our communities and support youth through many activities of which these Scholarships are an integral part.

Masonic Lodges receiving applications are to forward them to the following address by Friday April 15, 2022. Any applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

Alex Brannan
O-S & D Masonic Charities Corporation, Treasurer
17 Jackson Ave
Oneonta, NY 13820
(607) 432 4811
alexbrannan at hotmail.com

Reminder: Application signed by a Master Mason.

  1. Returned to a Lodge to have the Secretary sign and seal.
  2. See https://leatherstockingmasons.org/Lodge+Directory
  3. (Download the names & numbers of lodges and their secretaries.).


Application signed by a Master Mason.
Returned to a Lodge to have the Secretary sign and seal.
The names & numbers of lodges and their secretaries may be found at the Lodge Directory and Our Lodge Pages

Scholarship Recipients 2019

BruceVB - 2019-07-23 10:50 - (6528 Reads)
L-R:  Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington
L-R: Alex Brannan (Chairman), Aben Gray Carrington, Aidan E. Forbes, and Ashley Harrington

Aidan E. Forbes Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466
Ashley Harrington Morris C.S. Laurens Lodge # 548
Olivia Harby Walton C.S. Delaware River Lodge # 439
Erik Neil Deysenroth Cooperstown H.S. Otsego Lodge # 138
Aben Gray Carrington Oneonta H.S. Oneonta Lodge # 466

For more scholarship information see OSDMC

2019 Murder Mystery Dinner

BruceVB - 2019-05-12 13:02 - (6667 Reads)

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2017 Golf Tournament

BruceVB - 2017-08-14 12:34 - ( Reads)

Please support the advertisers who helped sponsor our Golf Tournament and raise money for our scholarships.
Read more for to see gallery to download,
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The Scholarship Program is conducted by committee. The purpose of the scholarship program is to enable young people to reach the highest level of education and training of which they are capable and to which they aspire. Assistance is based on financial need, the only scholastic requirement being that they make satisfactory progress toward the degree or other goal toward which they are working.


It is the intention of the program to provide financial assistance to the extent that the student would otherwise have to settle for a less complete education because of his financial inability to attain his maximum potential. Assistance is provided as needed to students accomplishing basic degrees or certificates or any higher degree which would make them more capable of reaching their maximum potential as contributing members of our society. Assistance is given for purposes such as tuition, room and board, text material or any other practical need directly related to their education. There is a thorough search and review of other assistance available such as grants, loans, etcetera to assure that every resource has been utilized and that such grant hereunder actually fulfills an essential financial need.

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
Page last modified on Saturday February 19, 2022 19:54:39 EST by BruceVB.
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