
Oneonta Council No. 87
Cryptic Masons

Assemblies on 4th Wed. at 7:30 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm

Sept.-Oct. & Jan.-May
Oneonta Masonic Temple
322 Main Street
Oneonta, New York 13820

R∴I∴ David E. Barnes (74), DDGM
V∴I∴ Mathias J. Erschen, IV (74), Assistant Grand Lecturer
R∴I∴ Carl J. Klossner, Grand Captain of the Guard, District Officer

M∴I∴ Donald R. Kunego (19), Grand Master

Cryptic Degrees

Royal Master Degree

This takes you back in time to the day before the death of the builder, who once again is the central character as he was in the Third Degree. Fully explaining many of the symbols of Freemasonry. It is preparatory to and intimately connected with the Degree of Select Master and contains much information necessary to the correct understanding of preceding Degrees as well as valuable instruction on the preservation of our Masonic traditions.

Oneonta Degree Team 2019

Prologue Harris Epstein
KS Robert N. Rogers III
HKT Stephen Shearer
HA Hugh Price
CG James Meek
CC Charles Lowe
Steward William Morley
Lecture Richard S. Transue
Prompter Homer Burch

Select Master Degree

Historically, predates the Third Degree and deals with incidents which occurred at the building of the first Temple. A highly dramatic and interesting Degree of Ancient Craft Masonry.

Oneonta Degree Team 2020

KS James Meek
HKT William Morley
HA Francis Wilcox
CG Steve Shearer
CC Charles Lowe
Steward Richard Morley or Alex Brannan
Ashishar Robert N. Rogers III
Sentinel Joe Greenfield or Ken Soden
History Robert N. Rogers III
Apron Charles Lowe
Charge Richard Transue
Prompter Homer Burch
Overseers Wilcox, Hemstrought, VanBuren, Higbie

Super Excellent Master Degree

This is a special cryptic degree usually conferred at special events.

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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