8th Capitular News
2020 Spring Newsletter 20 04 12
Oneonta 277 Confers Most Excellent Master
2024-03-12 11:33 - (26005 Reads) -
The Most Excellent Master degree was conferred on Brothers Dennis G. Maurer and Harry M. Pease.
Donation to Salvation Army
2020-10-23 20:16 - (23940 Reads) -Oneonta Royal Arch Chapter No. 277 presented a donation to the Salvation Army on October 23, 2020
Oxford RAC 254 Confers Holy Royal Arch
2020-02-06 11:28 - (99159 Reads) -Oxford Chapter No. 254 MEM Degree
2019-11-05 13:14 - (304050 Reads) -For captions see
Oxford Chapter No. 254 Conferred the Most Excellent Master degree.
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