
Why Be a DeMolay?
To Have Fun!
See the ELDCalendar for events and schedule.
In The Story Of
Your Success,

This is Chapter One!

Elias Light Chapter & Manor
Order of DeMolay
7:00 pm 3rd Thursday: Stated Meetings
7:00 pm 1st Thursday: Fun & Learning
1-5 pm last Saturday: Fun & Learning

Oneonta Masonic Temple
322 Main St
Oneonta NY

New York DeMolay

DeMolay International

DeMolay Sweetheart Program

What is a DeMolay Sweetheart?

First, she is a young woman that has a common interest in assisting the young men of a local chapter, a region or the entire state with their programs, projects and community-based endeavors. When you ask the young men of DeMolay ‘What is a Sweetheart?’ you will hear “She’s a friend”, “Someone who helps us”, “A sister” or even “One of the guys”. She brings a fresh perspective, acts as a sounding board and extra hands, eyes and ears. The hope also is that she will rally her friends to attend events.

Qualifications for Becoming a DeMolay Sweetheart

  • A young woman must be between 12 and 20 years of age at the time of their Installation as Sweetheart. In situations where a young woman turns 21 and is currently serving as a sweetheart, she may finish out the term of office.
  • The young woman will need to complete the Chapter Sweetheart application and follow all instructions with that application. The application may be found on the NY DeMolay website.
  • The young woman will need the permission of her parents or guardians.
  • The application must be approved by the Advisory Council of the local chapter.
  • The young woman should have a desire to work with the chapter members for the betterment of DeMolay.


  • Be involved in all Chapter sponsored activities and functions, as appropriate.
  • Attend the Chapter Installation and other Chapter events which you have been invited to attend. * Be dressed appropriately, be prepared to be introduced and ready to speak.
  • Be involved in all Region and State programs and activities, including attending co-educational state and region events.
  • Share with other Sweethearts relevant activities and events happening in your Chapter.
  • Help the Chapter identify qualified and willing candidates to succeed you as Chapter Sweetheart.
  • As a sweetheart you have the opportunity to install your successor. In doing this, you need to memorize the Sweetheart Oath and understand the procedure for installing a Sweetheart.
  • Common courtesy is to respond to all invitations you receive in a timely manner, whether you can attend or not. RSVP’s should always be made to the person designated to receive them. Telling anyone else that you will be attending is not an actual RSVP.
  • Share DeMolay with young men she knows that may be interested in joining DeMolay.
  • Share activities and events they know about with Rainbow and Triangle members.
  • While DeMolay is important, family and school work are more so and these should be your top priorities.
  • Most important of all, Have FUN!

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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