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Earl G. Wilkinson Installed as Grand Warder

BruceVB - 2018-09-16 13:11 - ( Reads)

Congratulations to Sir Knight Earl G. Wilkinson who was installed as Grand Warder for the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar for the State of New York on September 15, 2018.
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2018 Golf Tournament

Ken Sokolowski - 2018-08-11 19:01 - ( Reads)

Saturday August 4,the annual Masters and Wardens Golf Tournament was held at Colonial Ridge Golf Course. The threat of rain never materialized and a fun day was had by all.


Here are the results

!st place Team Awesome Team ( Laurens ) 60
2nd place CV Electricians ( Cherry Valley ) 64
3rd place CV Drivers “ “ 66
4th place Laurens 2 68
5th place Oneonta All Stars 70
6th place CV Putters 70
7th place CV Big A’s 71
8th place The Real SVL ( Schenevus ) 72
9th place CV Fishermen 74
10th place Cobleskill Wedgemeisters 75
11th place Delaware River 78


Team Awesome Team Hole 1 Score 4
Laurens 2 Hole 2 Score 3
The Real SVL Hole 5 Score 3
Team Awesome Team Hole 6 Score 3
CV Electricians Hole 10 Score 2
Team Awesome Team Hole 11 Score 3

Putting Contest
Jerry Young In the Hole

Roy Bilby Fishing Contest
Pete Oberacker Guessed 7 Roy caught 7

Next years Tournament will be August 3 at Colonial Ridge. Make plans now and come and enjoy a great day of golf and a wonderful dinner

8th District Royal Arch Scholarships 2018

BruceVB - 2018-07-07 12:09 - ( Reads)

Congratulations to the following 2018 scholarship winners from the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons State of New York:

Recipient Sponsoring Chapter
Madigan Farrell Western Broome #332
Kathryn Farrell Western Broome #332
Sydney Murray Oxford #254
Antonia Vrana Oxford #254
Julia Amell Oxford #254
Alexander Brannan Oneonta #277
Hannah Morley Oneonta #277
Amelie Legg Oneonta #277
Alexander Legg Oneonta #277
Hope VanBuren Oneonta #277

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